Fiber Optic Network Service Quality Measurement


  • M. Rasyid Ali Akademi Telekomunikasi Bogor
  • Annas Rifai Akademi Telekomunikasi Bogor
  • Istiqoomatun Nisaa Akademi Telekomunikasi Bogor


Fiber Optics; Quality; Network.


This optical fiber is the initial signal / source in the form of an electrical signal at the transmitter is converted by an electro-optical transducer (Diode / Laser Diode) into light waves which are then transmitted through the fiber optic cable to the receiver / receiver located at the other end of the optical fiber. The purpose of the study was to determine the quality of fiber optic network services. The method used is the measurement of fiber optic quality using the Rise Time Budget method which functions to determine whether network performance has been able to meet channel capacity according to the intended standard. The results of the research on the calculation of the downstream received power level are - 25.0929 dBm on ONT 1 and -25.1097 dBm on ONT 2. While the results of measuring the downstream received power level using the OPM (Optical Power Meter) tool, namely -24.09 dBm on ONT 1 and -24.10 dBm on ONT 2. These results are quite good because these results are lower than the standard provisions, in the standard provisions if ONT wants maximum usage is -28dBm so that the results of the received power level results obtained are classified according to the power link budget eligibility standards.





