Designing Street Lighting Using Dry Battery-Based Solar Energy Case Study: East Bogor Taqlim Council


  • Wawan Gunawan Akademi Teknologi Bogor
  • Lilis Cucu Sumartini Akademi Teknologi Bogor
  • Irfan Fauzi Akademi Teknologi Bogor


Solar Energy, Open Circuit, Irradiation.


The use of solar panels as an alternative energy to replace generators and conventional electricity as a necessity in addition to being environmentally friendly, solar panels also do not require expensive maintenance like the use of generators. In addition, solar panels are also suitable for use in regions of Indonesia that have a tropical climate and have a hot temperature that is sufficient for the use of solar panels. Based on the description above, the purpose of the study is to find out how much electrical energy is generated from the design of street lighting using dry battery-based solar energy in the East Bogor Taqlim Assembly. The research method used is quantitative research in the form of case studies based on empirical studies by analyzing and collecting data in numerical form (numbers). The results of the study show that the higher the irradiation value of sunlight, the higher the opencircuit voltage produced. During the measurement of 19/09/2022 from the From 08.00 to 16.00, the average solar irradiation is 251 W/m2 with an average opencircuit voltage of 5.68 V. The highest solar irradiation of 705 W/m2 and the highest opencircuit voltage of 7.17 V occurred at 12.00. Meanwhile, the lowest solar irradiation of 152 W/m2 on 20/09/2022 at 15.00 and the lowest open circuit voltage of 6.00 V occurred at 10.00 on 20/09/2022. The voltage value of the open circuit is proportional to the value of solar irradiation. Solar irradiation rarely reaches 1000 W/m2 as in peak conditions, because it begins the rainy season.





