Maintenance of the Lubrication System on the Mazda MR 90
Maintenance and Repair, Mazda MR90 Car, Lubrication.Abstract
The development of automotive engine technology encourages humans to get cars that are comfortable to drive. If one of the systems does not work properly or experiences a malfunction, then the car engine cannot work optimally. The engine consists of moving metal parts, some of which are directly related to each other, such as crankshafts, wrench rods, and valve mechanisms. Based on the results of the research after being maintained and improved the condition of the lubrication system on the Mazda MR90 Car, it went well from the previous condition that experienced seepage in the crankcase, the condition of the scalding oil in the crankcase and the condition of the oil, the oil filter that needed to be replaced. After the final test, the condition runs optimally. To maintain the condition of the lubrication system running optimally, periodic maintenance such as routine oil and filter changes is needed so that the condition of the lubrication system does not experience disturbances.